SPACES Architecture

Salle Festive et Culturelle de Succieu
Succieu, France

The project is located in the “cold lands” region. This territory has a powerful relationship to the earth, used to build farms, it is a building material and appears as a resurgence of the ground, a massive and gross uplift. Farms freeze the architecture in a mineral landscape with a yellow and patina color, and counterbalance the harshness of the local climate. The rain falls there more than reason, the mist likes to languish there, enveloping with a padded filter these yellow monoliths, the snow clings to it, seeming never to want to pass out. The project is not tempted to appear as a reduced version of a Renith relocated to the countryside which would clumsily attempt to appear as a symbol of reassuring urbanity. It’s a country hall. Nothing more. This is already a lot.

Le projet s’installe dans la région « des terres froides ». Ce territoire a un rapport puissant à la terre, utilisée pour bâtir les granges en pisé, elle est matériau de construction et apparaît comme une résurgence du sol, un soulèvement massif et brut. Les granges figent l’architecture dans un paysage minéral à la couleur jaune et patinée, et contrebalancent la rudesse du climat local. La pluie y tombe plus que de raison, la brume aime à s’y languir, enveloppant d’un filtre ouaté ces monolithes jaunes, la neige s’y accroche, semblant ne jamais vouloir s’évanouir.

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