Toulouse, France

Rehabilitation of a garage into offices private
150m2 - 30 000€ pre-tax - Built in 2019
Rehabilitation of an old garage into offices. Existing concrete pillars and slab structure, concrete coated floor, wood frame lining and visible isolation,layout in cement block and filmed-faced plywood panels. Concrete, coton linen hemp wool isolation, vapour barrier, filmed-faced plywood panels, concrete coated floor

Réhabilitation d’un garage en bureaux privé
150 m2 - 30 000 € ht - construit 2019
Réhabilitation d’un ancien garage en bureaux
Structure poteaux dalles béton existante, sol enrobé, doublage ossature bois et isolant apparent, aménagement en bloc ciment et panneaux de contreplaqué filmé Béton, isolant laine de chanvre coton lin, pare vapeur, panneaux contreplaqué filmé, enrobé.

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