House for a ceramic designer
Ljubljana, Slovenia

The atrium house was designed to unite the family’s living quarters with the working studio of its owner – a ceramic designer and artist - under one roof. Its aim was to be crafted in response to the growing trend of working at home. The 550 square meter plot is located in the suburbs of Ljubljana, Slovenia, in an area currently undergoing extensive gentrification. It is surrounded by dense and diverse construction of single- family houses. The client wanted to keep the house closed from its visually busy immediate surroundings, which will undergo unpredictable development in the future, while at the same time wished to acquire a well- lit and fully connected living and working space.

Projekt atrijske hiše, ki bi združila pod eno streho tako bivalne prostore družine kot delovni atelje njene lastnice, je nastal kot odgovor na sodobni trend povezovanja življenja in dela na domu. 550 m2 veliko zemljišče v predmestju Ljubljane, kjer poteka obsežen proces gentrifikacije, je obdano z zgoščeno pozidavo raznoliko oblikovanih enodružinskih novogradenj. Naročnik se je želel s hišo ograditi od vizualno kričave in dolgoročno nepredvidljive okolice in hkrati pridobiti dobro osvetljen ter povezan bivanjski in delovni prostor, ki se odpira v intimen notranji atrij.

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